Compare supermarkets and save money with SupermarketScanner. Search or Scan for groceries, household, health & beauty and more. Online, or in-store. Its FREE!Compare Supermarkets and Save MoneySearch & compare supermarket prices as you shop and get the best possible deal for your groceries. Directly compare prices from every major supermarket to get the best possible price. Create a Shopping ListCreate and manage your groceries list while finding the very best offers with your shopping list. lts the only grocery list you will ever need.Find and Shop Products through Search & Barcode ScannerShop from any supermarket. Live prices for Asdas, Sainsbury, Morrison along with Waitrose and Aldis and Iceland Supermarket.SuperScanner is your one-stop grocery app. Saving you up to 30% on your weekly supermarket shop. is a free to use, independent shopping and comparison website and app for making grocery price comparisons. This app is 100% FREE. No Ads.